Don’t Rush Your Traveling

There are so many places to go, so many sights to see. You have to get started now, if you ever want to see them all. And what about the future? When you have a job, or children? How can you travel then? And so on, and so on. Stop, take a deep breath. TheContinue reading “Don’t Rush Your Traveling”


The amazing thing about Europe, is that you can drive for only an hour and be in another country. I decided to get a bus to Budapest, a place I had heard of vaguely, mostly via “Budapest” by… and a not much else.  Despite this, I did as much research as I could before IContinue reading “Budapest”

How to save money on holiday

There are lots articles on to save money on booking a holiday, but what about when your there? There can be plenty of reasons to pinch the pennies, if you’ve got a family and thy all want something, travellers going the hostel road and need to save for the next place. Whatever the reason, hereContinue reading “How to save money on holiday”

48hrs in Vienna

I decided to go to Vienna after hearing glowing stories from my friends. They said it was one of their favourite places they had ever been. How could I not go? The city itself is smaller than I was prepared for. That’s not to say it was small, but to my idea of a capitalContinue reading “48hrs in Vienna”

The Best Travel Photos of The Year

Just a little collection of my favourite moments of the year. In little bits I don’t think they are a lot, but looking back is when you can truly appreciate everything you do. Budapest Champneys Henlow Amsterdam Vienna! What was your favourite part of your year? What do you want to do in 2020?

5 Best things to do in Vienna

There is so much to do in Europe’s most liveable city, but for me, these are the top 5 things that stood out to me after I returned home.  The Danube tower Most cities have a vantage point where you can admire the metropolitan jungle for miles, and Vienna is no exception. in the dayContinue reading “5 Best things to do in Vienna”

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